Livro Doctor Who: City of Death

"Based on the beloved "Doctor Who" episode of the same name by Douglas Adams, the hilarious and brilliant author of "The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy," comes "City of Death" " The Doctor takes Romana for a holiday in Paris a city which, like a fine wine, has a bouquet all of its own.

Especially if you visit during one of the vintage years. But the TARDIS takes them to 1979, a year whose vintage is soured by cracks in the very fabric of time itself.

Soon they are embroiled in an alien scheme which encompasses home-made time machines, the theft of the Mona Lisa, the resurrection of the much-feared Jagaroth race, and the beginning (and quite possibly the end) of all life on Earth.

It s up to the Doctor and Romana to thwart the machinations of the suave, mysterious Count Scarlioni all twelve of him if the human race has any chance of survival.

But then, the Doctor s holidays tend to turn out a bit like this."

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EditoraAce Books
ISBN0425283917 9780425283912
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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