Livro Eternity

"The Dream Unfolds" Gideon Lowe is more than some macho construction worker, and the Crosslyn Rise building contract will prove it. The last thing he needs is Christine Gillette tromping onto his work site, disturbing his equilibrium.

Christine is appalled that the rough-hewnbut frankly gorgeousGideon holds the deciding vote on whether or not her interior designs will be used on The Rise. She's not going to let any he-man bully her aroundor sweet-talk her into submission.

"Father of the Bride" Cynthia Bauer dreads seeing Russ Shaw after their scandalous divorce years earlier. Yet Russ is returning to town for the first time in twenty-five years, determined to give his only daughter away at her wedding.

There's no way they'll be able to avoid each other, but it soon becomes clear that staying away from one another is the last thing either of them wants."

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ISBN0373777264 9780373777266
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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