Livro Fallen Astronauts: Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Moon, Revised Edition

Near the end of the "Apollo 15" mission, David Scott and fellow moonwalker James Irwin conducted a secret ceremony unsanctioned by NASA: they placed on the lunar soil a small tin figurine called "The Fallen Astronaut," along with a plaque bearing a list of names.

By telling the stories of those sixteen astronauts and cosmonauts who died in the quest to reach the moon between 1962 and 1972, this book enriches the saga of humankind s greatest scientific undertaking, Project Apollo, and conveys the human cost of the space race.

Many people are aware of the first manned Apollo mission, in which Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee lost their lives in a fire during a ground test, but few know of the other five fallen astronauts whose stories this book tells as well, including Ted Freeman and C.C.

Williams, who died in the crashes of their T-38 jets; the Gemini Twins, Charlie Bassett and Elliot See, killed when their jet slammed into the building where their Gemini capsule was undergoing final construction; and Ed Givens, whose fatal car crash has until now been obscured by rumors.

Supported by extensive interviews and archival material, the extraordinary lives and accomplishments of these and other fallen astronauts including eight Russian cosmonauts who lost their lives during training unfold here in intimate and compelling detail.

Their stories return us to a stirring time in the history of our nation and remind us of the cost of fulfilling our dreams. This revised edition includes expanded and revised biographies and additional photographs."

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EditoraUniversity of Nebraska Press
ISBN0803285094 9780803285095
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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