Livro Fateful

Eighteen-year-old maid Tess Davies is determined to escape the wealthy, troubled family she serves. It's 1912, and Tess has been trapped in the employ of the Lisles for years, amid painful memories and twisted secrets.

But now the Lisle family is headed to America, with Tess in tow. Once the ship they're sailing on--the RMS Titanic--reaches its destination, Tess plans to strike out and create a new lifefor herself.Her single-minded focus shatters when she meets Alec, a handsome first-class passenger who captivates her instantly.

But Alec has secrets of his own. He's in a hurry to leave Europe, and whispers aboard the ship say it's because of the tragic end of his last affair with the French actress who died so gruesomely and so mysteriously.

. . .Soon Tess will learn just how dark Alec's past truly is. The danger they face is no ordinary enemy: werewolves exist and are stalking him--and now her, too.

Her growing love for Alec will put Tess in mortal peril, and fate will do the same before their journey on the Titanic is over.In Fateful, New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray delivers paranormal adventure, dark suspense, and alluring romance set against the opulent backdrop of the Titanic's first--and last--voyage.

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EditoraHarper Teen
ISBN0062006207 9780062006202
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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