Livro Frank Einstein and the Evoblaster Belt (Frank Einstein Series #4): Book Four

More clever science experiments, funny jokes, and robot hijinks await readers in book four of the "New York Times" bestselling Frank Einstein chapter book series from the mad scientist team of Jon Scieszka and Brian Biggs.

The perfect combination to engage and entertain readers, the series features real science facts with adventure and humor, making these books ideal for STEM education. This latest installment examines the quest to unlock the power behind the science of All Connected Life.

Kid-genius and inventor Frank Einstein loves figuring out how the world works by creating household contraptions that are part science, part imagination, and definitely unusual. In the series opener, an uneventful experiment in his garage-lab, a lightning storm, and a flash of electricity bring Frank s inventions the robots Klink and Klank to life!

Not exactly the ideal lab partners, the wisecracking Klink and the overly expressive Klank nonetheless help Frank attempt to perfect his inventions. In the fourth book in the series, Frank along with his best friend, Watson, and Klink and Klank once again finds himself in competition with his classmate and archrival T.

Edison and his sign-language-speaking sidekick, Mr. Chimp, over Frank s newest invention: the EvoBlaster Belt, which allows the user to evolve and devolve into other forms of life, blasting from one species to another.

Integrating real science facts with wacky humor, a silly cast of characters, and science fiction, this uniquely engaging series is an irresistible chemical reaction for middle-grade readers. With easy-to-read language and graphic illustrations on almost every page, this chapter book series is a must for reluctant readers.

The Frank Einstein series encourages middle-grade readers to question the way things work and to discover how they, too, can experiment with science. In a starred review, "Kirkus Reviews" raves, This buoyant, tongue-in-cheek celebration of the impulse to keep asking questions and finding your own answers fires on all cylinders, while "Publishers Weekly" says that the series proves that science can be as fun as it is important and useful.

Read all the books in the "New York Times" bestselling Frank Einstein series: "Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor" (Book 1), "Frank Einstein and the Electro-Finger" (Book 2), "Frank Einstein and the BrainTurbo" (Book 3), and "Frank Einstein and the EvoBlaster Belt" (Book 4).

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EditoraAmulet Books
ISBN1419718878 9781419718878
FormatoCapa dura
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