Livro Gems from Spurgeon; Or, Extracts from the Note-Book of a Non-Professional Reporter. Or, Extracts from the Note-Book of a Non-Professional Reporter

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ATONEMENT. Jesus Christ the High Priest, and he only, works the atonement. There are other priests; for he hath made us priests and kings unto God. Every Christian is a priest to offer sacrifice of prayer and praise unto God; but none save the High Priest must offer atonement.

The vail of the temple is rent by the atonement of Christ, and access to the throne is now ours. Precious throne of grace! I never should have had any right to come there if it had not been for the day of atonement: I never should have been able to come there if the throne had not been sprinkled with the blood.

By the death of Christ there was full, free, perfect remission for all those whose sins are laid upon his head. Atonement and jubilee ought to go together. Have you ever had a jubilee, my friends, in your hearts ?

If you have not, I can tell you it is because you have not had a day of atonement. God's great day of atonement was appointed and predestinated by himself.

Christ's expiation occurred but once, and then not by any chance; God had settled it from before the foundation of the world; and at that hour when God had predestinated, on that very day that God had decreed, that Christ should die, was he led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers he was dumb.

We have a spotless High Priest; we have one who needed no washing, for he had no filth to wash away; we have one who needed no atonement for himself, for he for ever might have sat down at the right hand of God, and ne'er have come on earth at all.

He was pure and spotless; he needed no incense to wave before the mercy seat to hide the angry face of justice. Those drops of atoning blood have put fair colours upon all creation, even as the sunrise paints the earth, which else had been on...

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EditoraGeneral Books
ISBN0217720773 9780217720779
FormatoCapa comum
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