Design is everywhere. Graphic design enters into everything. This is the scope of designer Steven Heller s latest essay anthology that covers the spectrum of graphic design and related art and culture.
Looking at design as practice, language, culture, and power, each of the forty-plus essays is a self-contained story. Heller pours out his ideascriticisms and celebrationson such topics as: A history of our modern Hindu-Arabic numerals, and a look at the letter KBrand design utilized by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump early in the 2016 Presidential raceThe tumultuous relationship between design and sexThe "Charlie Hebdo" massacre and the principles of free expressionIcons revisited, including Paul Rand (not to be confused with the politician Rand Paul), Ralph Ginzburg, Frank Zachary, George Lois, and "Print" magazineFood packaging, the design of milk, and USPS stampsThe obsessive use of cuteness, and the sad and happy history of the ubiquitous happy face From commercial advertising to government institutions to cultural revolution, from the objects that push design forward to those that seep into the everyday, "Graphic Design Rants and Raves" is an exploration of how visual design has arrived in the twenty-first century."
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Autor(es) | |
Editora | Allworth Press |
Idioma | Inglês |
ISBN | 1621535363 9781621535362 |
Formato | Capa comum |
Páginas | 224 |
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Clique no botão abaixo para saber o que as pessoas estão achando do livro Graphic Design Rants and Raves: Bon Mots on Persuasion, Entertainment, Education, Culture, and Practice. Veja opiniões, e caso se sinta à vontade, deixe a sua também.
A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.