Livro Jane Austen: The Complete Novels

Now in Penguin Classics—a treasure trove of Jane Austen’s novels Few novelists have conveyed the subtleties and nuances of their own social milieu with the wit and insight of Jane Austen.

Here in one volume are her seven great novels: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan. Through her vivacious and spirited heroines and their circle, Austen vividly portrays English middle-class life as the eighteenth century came to a close and the nineteenth century began.

Each of the novels is a love story and a story about marriage—marriage for love, for financial security, for social status. But they are not romances; ironic, comic, and wise, they are masterly evocations of the society Jane Austen observed.

This beautiful volume covers the literary career of one of England’s finest prose stylists of any century.

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EditoraPenguin Books
ISBN0143039504 9780143039501
FormatoCapa comum
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