Livro Locke & Key Volume 6: Alpha & Omega

2015 Bram Stoker Award Nominee! The shadows have never been darker and the end has never been closer. Turn the key and open the last door; it's time to say goodbye.

Omega and Alpha, the final two storylines of the New York Times bestselling series, are collected together to offer a thunderous and compelling conclusion to Locke & Key. An event not to be missed!

It took two lifetimes and countless victims, but Lucas "Dodge" Caravaggio has his terrible prize at last: the key which will open The Black Door. Disguised in the form of little Bode Locke, Dodge descends into the Drowning Cave to throw back the door and release the demons on the other side.

Those who have stood against him for so long - Tyler, Kinsey, Scot, Nina, Rufus, and all the rest - take their places as the final tragedy unfolds... a confrontation between decency and hate in the caverns a hundred-feet beneath Keyhouse, at the threshold of an evil kept for generations under lock and key!

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EditoraIDW Publishing
ISBN1631401440 9781631401442
FormatoCapa comum
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