Livro Lover Enshrined

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other six vampire warriors, defenders of their race.

And now, a dutiful twin must choose between two lives...Fiercely loyal to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Brotherhood's bloodlines alive.

As Primale of the Chosen, he is to father the sons and daughters who will ensure that the traditions of the race survive and that there are warriors to fight those who want all vampires extinguished.As his first mate, the Chosen Cormia wants to win not only his body but his heart for herself- she sees the emotionally scarred male behind all his noble responsibility.

But while the war with the Lessening Society grows more grim, and tragedy looms over the Brotherhood's mansion, Phury must decide between duty and love."

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EditoraSignet Book
ISBN0451222725 9780451222725
FormatoLivro de bolso
Livro físico na

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