Livro Nudities

Encompassing a wide range of subjects, the ten masterful essays gathered here may at first appear unrelated to one another. In truth, Giorgio Agamben's latest book is a mosaic of his most pressing concerns.

Take a step backward after reading it from cover to cover, and a world of secret affinities between the chapters slowly comes into focus. Take another step back, and it becomes another indispensable piece of the finely nuanced philosophy that Agamben has been patiently constructing over four decades of sustained research.

If nudity is unconcealment, or the absence of all veils, then "Nudities" is a series of apertures onto truth. A guiding thread of this collectionweaving together the prophet's work of redemption, the glorious bodies of the resurrected, the celebration of the Sabbath, and the specters that stroll the streets of Veniceis inoperativity, or the cessation of work.

The term should not be understood as laziness or inertia, but rather as the paradigm of human action in the politics to come. Itself the result of inoperativity, "Nudities" shuttles between philosophy and poetry, philological erudition and unexpected digression, metaphysical treatise and critique of modern life.

And whether the subject at hand is personal identity or the biometric apparatus, the slanderer or the land surveyor, Kafka or Kleist, every page bears the singular imprint of one of the most astute philosophers of our time."

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EditoraStanford University Press
ISBN0804769508 9780804769501
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.

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