Livro Popcorn!: 100 Sweet and Savory Recipes

Popcorn offers limitless room for experimentation -- it s so versatile it can be paired with almost anything, and it is naturally low in sugar and fat yet high in fiber.

While popcorn s image has suffered as a pre-packaged, artificially flavored, microwavable junk food, home made popcorn is truly a revelation a creative, healthy, gourmet treat. This book is the perfect inspiration to explore this quick, easy, fun grain, and it features over one hundred original, mouth-watering recipes that span the taste spectrum from savory to sweet.

Each recipe is accompanied by stunning, bright photography. Starting with new takes on old-fashioned favorites like parmesan popcorn, caramel popcorn, or all-butter popcorn for true traditionalists, the book goes on to survey hot an spicy variants inspired by culinary trends like mesquite smoked popcorn or popcorn in paprika and olive oil.

On the sweet side, there are a wealth of recipes featuring caramel/toffee flavors, while chocolate gets a whole chapter. The book is rounded out with recipes for more elaborate dishes using popcorn as an ingredient like pink popcorn mallow bars and popcorn-breaded Southern-fried chicken."

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EditoraRizzoli International Publications
ISBN0789331314 9780789331311
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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