Livro Reawakened

From Colleen Houck, "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Tiger s Curse, " comes an epic Egyptian-inspired adventure about two star-crossed teens who must battle mythical forces and ancient curses on a journey with more twists and turns than the Nile itself.

When seventeen-year-old Lilliana Young enters the Metropolitan Museum of Art one morning during spring break, the last thing she expects to find is a live Egyptian prince with godlike powers, who has been reawakened after a thousand years of mummification.

And she really can t imagine being chosen to aid him in an epic quest that will lead them across the globe. But fate has taken hold of Lily, and she, along with her sun prince, Amon, must travel to the Valley of the Kings, raise his brothers, and stop an evil, shape-shifting god named Seth from taking over the world.

A sparkling new novel with a fully imagined world and mythos, and crackling romance! Egyptian mythology has never been this riveting! Aprilynne Pike, #1 "New York Times" bestselling author of the Wings series Surprising even to the last sentence.

"Kirkus Reviews" "" An incredibly well-researched novel with an air of mystery and romance. "SLJ" " " A fantasy teeming with Egyptian characters and mythological stories come to life. .

. Memorable. "Publishers Weekly" Littered with Egyptian mythology and snappy dialogue, this romantic adventure is a good choice for graduates of Rick Riordan or fans of Houck s Tiger s Curse series.


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ISBN0385376596 9780385376594
FormatoCapa comum
Livro físico na

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