Livro Shooting My Life's Script 1. Fani's Premiere

A estreia de Fani, o primeiro livro da série de sucesso Fazendo meu filme, de Paula Pimenta, agora tem sua versão digital em inglês, com conteúdo enriquecido, pra você ler e se divertir com a Fani.

Shooting my Life's Script 1: Fani's Premiere is a charming book, one of those we read compulsively, and miss after were done. Its impossible not to connect with Fani, her discoveries, her aspirations, so typical of a teenager.

This is a light-hearted and fun story that captivates the reader with every page. Whether its her relationship with her family, with herself and the world; whether its the everyday life with her friends, at school and at parties; or the relationship with her best friend and confidant - everything changes in Estefânia's life when the opportunity comes to live overseas as an exchange student for one year.

The ever so revealing talks on-line and on the phone, as well as the notes frequently passed around in classe, begin to cover a new subject: the upcoming trip. This is what this book is about: the fascinating universe of a teenage girl bursting with expectations, facing the conflict between carrying on with her daily life with friends, family, studies, and her newfound love, or risk going to another country and dive into a world filled with new possibilities.

The best scenes in Fani's life may be yet to come.

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ISBN8582351917 9788582351918
FormatoCapa comum
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A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.

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