Livro Soul Keeping Study Guide with DVD: Caring for the Most Important Part of You

In Soul Keeping, John Ortberg helps Christians rediscover their soul—the best connection to God there is—and find out why it’s hurting and why neglecting it has set so many believers so far back spiritually.

In this six-session, video-based small group Bible study, Ortberg shows that caring for your soul is necessary for your Christian life. John shows participants what your soul is, why it is important, how to assess your soul’s health, and how to care for it so that we can have a meaningful and beautiful life with God and others.

When you nurture your soul your life in this world will come to make sense again; you can find your way back to God from hopelessness, depression, relationship struggles, and a lack of fulfillment.

Your soul’s resting place is in God, and John Ortberg wants to take participants to that home. This study guide with DVD includes a DVD with six video teaching sessions from John Ortberg and a study guide with discussion questions, video notes, and in-between studies.

Sessions include: Filling the Hole in Your Soul Why God Made You With a Soul What's Soul Got To Do With It Finding Your Soul's True Home Empty Souls and Full Garages Why We Have a Soul, Brothers and Sisters

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ISBN031069129X 9780310691297
FormatoCapa comum
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