Livro The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals

An insightful new book from the multimillion-copy bestselling author Sean Covey and the FranklinCovey organization based on their work with hundreds of thousands of employees and large companies to unveil the essential disciplines proven to help businesses and individuals realize their most important goals.

Do you remember the last major initiative you watched die in your organization? Did it go down with a loud crash? Or was it slowly and quietly suffocated by other competing priorities?

By the time it finally disappeared, it s likely no one even noticed. What happened? The whirlwind of urgent activity required to keep things running day-to-day devoured all the time and energy you needed to invest in executing your strategy for tomorrow!

"The 4 Disciplines of Execution "can change all that forever. "The 4 Disciplines of Execution "(4DX) is a simple, repeatable, and proven formula for executing on your most important strategic priorities in the midst of the whirlwind.

By following The 4 Disciplines: Focusing on the Wildly Important Acting on Lead Measures Keeping a Compelling Scoreboard Creating a Cadence of Accountability leaders can produce breakthrough results, even when executing the strategy requires a significant change in behavior from their teams.

4DX is not theory. It is a proven set of practices that have been tested and refined by hundreds of organizations and thousands of teams over many years. When a company or an individual adheres to these disciplines, they achieve superb results regardless of the goal.

4DX represents a new way of thinking and working that is essential to thriving in today s competitive climate. Simply put, this is one book that no business leader can afford to miss."

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EditoraFree Press
ISBN145162705X 9781451627053
FormatoCapa dura
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