Livro The Brothers Grimm, Volume 2: 110 Grimmer Fairy Tales

We all know the stories or do we? We know who Snow White is, but what about Rose Red? And what happens to an all-too willful child? Learn more intriguing stories about "Wise Folks," "The King's Son Who Feared Nothing," and .

. . well . . . "Donkey Cabbages"--to name a few. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were well-known nineteenth-century German storytellers, academics, linguists, and cultural researchers who did not hold back when telling terrifying tales, including parables and fables designed to teach and entertain readers of all ages.

"The Brothers Grimm Volume 2: 110 Grimmer Fairy Tales" is perfect for the short story lover, and offers many entertaining tales to delight--and fright--literature lovers. Lexile score: 1140L About the Word Cloud Classics series: Classic works of literature with a clean, modern aesthetic!

Perfect for both old and new literature fans, the Word Cloud Classics series from Canterbury Classics provides a chic and inexpensive introduction to timeless tales. With a higher production value, including heat burnished covers and foil stamping, these eye-catching, easy-to-hold editions are the perfect gift for students and fans of literature everywhere."

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EditoraCanterbury Classics
ISBN1607107309 9781607107309
FormatoCapa flexível
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