Livro The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS

ISIS rocketed onto the world stage seemingly out of nowhere, beheading American hostages, bulldozing international borders, routing the American-trained Iraqi Army, and carving out a new state that rules eight million people.

Now, after the shocking San Bernardino and Paris attacks, it has become devastatingly clear that no one is safe from the threat of ISIS. The group has managed to radicalize and recruit Muslims all over the world and is staging an all-out "holy war" against the West, while U.S.

leaders remain stumped. In "The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS," "New York Times" bestselling author Robert Spencer reveals the terrifying inner workings of the Islamic Stateits successful recruitment program, how it is financing its expansion, and the ideology that is driving its success.

As Spencer explains, the Islamic State has taken the first steps on the path to becoming a serious world powersteps that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda dreamed of but were afraid to take.

"The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS" is your one-stop easy reference for all you need to know about ISISincluding how "infidels" can stop its reign of terror."

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EditoraRegnery Publishing
ISBN1621574539 9781621574538
FormatoCapa comum
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