Livro The Course of Love

The long-awaited and beguiling second novel from Alain de Botton that tracks the beautifully complicated arc of a romantic partnership, from the internationally bestselling author of "On Love" and "How Proust Can Change Your Life." We all know the headiness and excitement of the early days of love.

But what comes after? In Edinburgh, a couple, Rabih and Kirsten, fall in love. They get married, they have children but no long-term relationship is as simple as happily ever after.

"The Course of Love" is a novel that explores what happens after the birth of love, what it takes to maintain love, and what happens to our original ideals under the pressures of an average existence.

You experience, along with Rabih and Kirsten, the first flush of infatuation, the effortlessness of falling into romantic love, and the course of life thereafter. Interwoven with their story and its challenges is an overlay of philosophy an annotation and a guide to what we are reading.

This is a Romantic novel in the true sense, one interested in exploring how love can survive and thrive in the long term. The result is a sensory experience fictional, philosophical, psychological that urges us to identify deeply with these characters, and to reflect on his and her own experiences in love.

Fresh, visceral, and utterly compelling, "The Course of Love" is a provocative and life-affirming novel for everyone who believes in love."

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EditoraSimon & Schuster
ISBN1501134256 9781501134258
FormatoCapa dura
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A intenção do autor, com esta pequena obra, é apresentar algumas estratégias de leitura que te farão um leitor melhor, lhe ensinando a absorver mais conteúdo e ser mais produtivo nesse momento. Tudo isso através de uma linguagem acessível e bem objetiva.

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