Livro The Longing in Me: How Everything You Crave Leads to the Heart of God

Do your desires have you going around in circles? You may be looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. You vowed you d never repeat the same mistakes yet you find yourself right where you started.

What is it that keeps drawing you back into the same old traps? The fact is, your longings are built from the blueprint of your needs: for protection, for love, for God.

And those needs aren t going anywhere. Sheila speaks candidly about the trials in her life, including the heartache of her first marriage, and intertwines her story with the biblical saga of King David.

As both Sheila s and David s stories make clear, some cravings are misguided, but they all stem from the same hunger and they will haunt you until that hunger gets satisfied properly.

If you keep reaching out to the wrong people at the wrong times in your own life, The Longing in Me will help you understand that your cravings are not the problem.

It s where they lead you that makes all the difference."

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EditoraThomas Nelson
ISBN1400204895 9781400204892
FormatoCapa dura
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