Livro The Redhead Plays Her Hand

The third sexy novel in "USA TODAY" bestselling author Alice Clayton s playful and erotic Redhead series continues the sizzling romance between actress Grace Sheridan and Hollywood s hottest leading man Jack Hamilton.

IT S GETTING HOT (AND HEAVY) IN HOLLYWOOD! Grace Sheridan is flying high. With scorching passion from her gorgeous Brit superstar Jack Hamilton plus the lead role in a new television dramedy, she could just pinch herself.

Then a demand from her show s directors to drop fifteen pounds brings her back down to earth with a thump. Forced to subsist on air, cucumbers, and boot camp, Grace wonders if the body that brings the newly crowned Sexiest Man Alive to his knees is just too booty-licious for Hollywood.

Jack, meanwhile, seems overly enamored of the celebrity lifestyle. Forbidden by his publicity-conscious manager to reveal his relationship with Grace, he s hitting the industry party scene way too hard.

As Grace s bod incites fiery debate about the message of thin is in, Jack s jealous fans are downing the hate-erade, viciously slamming her curves. Grace longs for Jack s support, but he s showing up late and disheveled to her most important moments.

With tempers between them flaring, Hollywood s most talked-about redhead might have more to lose than a few stubborn pounds. She and Jack were clearly made for each other but will the day ever come when they can walk the red carpet together, hand in hand?"

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EditoraGallery Books
ISBN1476741255 9781476741253
FormatoCapa comum
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