Livro The Thomas the Tank Engine Man: The Life of Reverend W Awdry

The Reverend W. Awdry was a devoted pastor and family man, who adored trains. He started to tell stories about Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends in order to entertain his son Christopher.

Those stories have now gone on to entertain generations of children around the world. A convinced pacifist, Awdry was thrown out of one curacy and denied another during World War II, because of his beliefs.

He was a man of courage, who believed that you should live by certain rules. He built his imaginary world on the island of Sodor on these rules, and showed how those who transgressed them would always be "punished, but never scrapped," as he said."""The Thomas the Tank Engine Man"""is a charming biography and a fascinating insight into the life of Reverend W.

Awdry. First published 20 years ago before the Britt Allcroft/Ringo Starr animations took Thomas to a worldwide TV generation, this biography is now fully revised and updated."

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EditoraLion Hudson
ISBN074597029X 9780745970295
FormatoCapa comum
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