Livro The Valiant

From New York Times best-selling writers Jeff Lemire (BLOODSHOT REBORN, Green Arrow) and Matt Kindt (NINJAK, Mind MGMT), and Eisner Award winning artist Paolo Rivera (Daredevil) comes an epic ten millennia in the making - now in deluxe oversized hardcover format!

The Eternal Warrior has protected the Earth for more than 10,000 years. A master of countless weapons and long forgotten martial arts, he is guided by the Geomancers - those who speak for the Earth.

During his long watch, the Eternal Warrior has failed three times. Each time, the Geomancer was killed... and a new dark age for humanity began. Each time, he was unable to stop The Immortal Enemy - a monstrous force of nature.

A civilization killer. A horror that appears differently each time it arrives... and whose seemingly only purpose is to bring disorder and darkness to the world. Now, the time has come for The Immortal Enemy to return once more.

But, this time, the Eternal Warrior will be ready. This time, he has a force greater than any single warrior. This time, he has... THE VALIANT. Collecting THE VALIANT #1-4 - the critically acclaimed, sold-out mini-series event of the year - THE VALIANT DELUXE EDITION HC comes packed with 20+ pages of rarely seen extras including designs, process art, sketches, commentary and more!

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EditoraValiant Entertainment LLC
ISBN1939346916 9781939346919
FormatoCapa dura
Livro físico na

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